Fi Social Media

The Essential Guide to Social Media Policies for Employers

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, both personally and professionally. A global […]
Fi Grumpy Cat

Is ‘Grumpy Staying’ a Symptom of Something Bigger?

Buzzword lovers, rejoice. There’s a new phrase circulating the corporate social media sphere: grumpy staying. If you are yet to […]
Fi New Age Networking

How to Network in the New Age

Networking is more than just a practice, it’s a skill. A skill that many employers tend to foster and encourage […]
Fi Affirmation

Having Affirmation Cravings? Here’s How to be an Effective Extrinsically Motivated Leader

After recently gaining my Prism Certification from SurePeople, I was struck by this thought: how do leaders who are particularly motivated […]
Fi Baby Loss

Do You Have a Policy for Miscarriage Leave?

The taboos around health and wellbeing in the workplace are slowly beginning to shed their stigma; menopause policies are being discussed, mental health is […]
Fi Dyslexia

What We’re Reading: This is Dyslexia by Kate Griggs

This month’s book choice was inspired by the fact that today is World Dyslexia Awareness Day – which closes off […]
Fi Sleeptember

Employees Are Getting Less Sleep: How Is This Affecting Their Work?

The Healthier Nation Index report has recently been published, revealing some startling statistics about sleeping patterns. People are now getting less than […]
Fi Lazy Girl

From ‘Quiet Quitting’ to ‘Lazy Girl Jobs’: Are These Misnomers Doing More Harm than Good?

Emerging from a pandemic which saw a huge shift in mindset for the current workforce, the trend of ‘Quiet Quitting’ surfaced […]
Fi Taboo Of Hiv

How Employers can Challenge the Taboos of HIV in the Workplace

While huge strides continue to be made in regard to the treatment of HIV, in the US there are an […]
Fi Employers Giving Back

Employers Who Give Back, Get Back: How to Engage Your Team with Charity Work

Companies who make a point to support and work with charities are not only contributing positively to the wider community, […]
Fi Boost Productivity

5 Unusual (and Innovative!) Approaches for Employers to Boost Productivity

One of HR’s key functions for employers is implementing strategies to optimize productivity in the workplace. By now, most employers […]
Fi Intern

Making Mistakes at Work: What We Would Tell Our 21-Year-Old Selves

For those who might not be familiar, something wonderful happened on Twitter this year (a sentence not heard all that […]
Fi Gen Alpha

Preparing the Workplace for Generation Alpha

Move over Gen Z – Generation Alpha will soon be knocking on the workplace door! Set to be the largest generation […]
Fi Optimizing Hiring

It’s a Date! Optimizing Your Recruitment Process to Attract the Best Talent

The effectiveness of an employer’s hiring process is often overlooked. And yet, this is the first real interaction a potential […]
Fi World Breastfeeding Week

Why Employers Should Be Challenging the Stigma of Breastfeeding at Work

With today marking the start of World Breastfeeding Week, now is the time that organizations should be ensuring they are […]
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