Fi Systemic Team Coaching

Why Systemic Team Coaching is essential to ESG Strategy

For most of history, publicly traded companies have defined their purpose rather narrowly: they existed first and foremost to serve […]
Fi Menopause

Majority of employers failing to deal with menopause

A YouGov survey of 1,025 HR decision makers working across UK businesses has found that almost three quarters (72%) of […]
Fi Startups

How Consultants Add Value for Startups

Throughout my career I’ve found myself gravitating towards startup assignments. I’m a builder, so I find creating a business from […]
Fi 2022 Compensation

Watch outs for 2022 Executive Compensation

Most US-based publicly traded company boards will currently be approving 2021 executive incentives. As they do so, they will also […]
Fi Coaching Online

Online coaching – disruption or dilution?

Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. This was my initial reaction to a recent article by Josh Bersin, […]
Fi Sun Umbrella

Employees Fight for Financial Freedom

The UK government were calling it ‘Freedom Day’ – the day when all Covid-19 restrictions would be lifted after two […]
Fi Graduate Path

Guiding Students after Graduation

Before you know it, graduation will be approaching. Many of those graduating may not have their first job prospects leaving […]
Fi Tree And Shadow

Storytelling in your Leadership Tool Kit

Looking back, I can’t remember a time when my parents weren’t leading.  Sometimes they led small teams of 5-10, sometimes […]
Fi Hr Leaders Podcast

HR Leaders Podcast – Midlife Workers

In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, Chris Rainey is joined by Therese Procter of OrgShakers and Vivek Patni, […]
Fi Midlife Workers 2

Ignorance may be bliss – but this affects us all

Midlife is a pivotal period in our life journey. It can suck – or rock! Neither well defined nor well […]
Fi Great Resignation

Great Resignation: Are you CHARMing your employees?

Rise to the challenge of #TheGreatResignation by CHARM-ing your people. More than 15-million people have quit their jobs since April […]
Fi Canary

Canary in the coal mine?

A staggering rate of increase has occurred for C-suite executives updating their LinkedIn profiles. Well, it is no secret that […]
Fi Comp Agility

Hybrid working demands reward agility

“If you want to get paid New York rates, you work in New York … none of this, ‘I’m in […]
Fi Midlife Workers

Midlife Working: The best is yet to come

Life expectancy is increasing, and by 2040 this is projected to rise to the age of 85. That’s great news […]
Fi Sharing Hearts Pooling Minds 2

Leverage Diversity: Sharing Hearts and Pooling Minds

Diversity brings a range of experience, differences in mindset, background, upbringing, world view, etc. and, as a result, diversity of […]
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