Better to Bend than Break: Why Leaders Should be Flexible to Change

The ability to be adaptable is becoming gold amongst leaders in the contemporary corporate world. A post-pandemic perspective has seen […]
Fi Flexible Leaders

The Rise of ‘Quiet Quitting’ and why it is a Misnomer

The recent rise of what is apparently called ‘quiet quitting’ has sparked the need for organizations to re-examine the modern […]
Fi Quiet Quitting 1

Management Training: Keeping Up with the Changing Workforce

It is no secret that the workforce is changing, and with these changes comes a sharper focus on attraction and retention […]
Fi Connecting Leaders

In the war for talent, are Gen Z being overlooked?   

The war for talent has never been more intense. In many sectors, there are simply not enough workers to meet […]
Fi Generation Z

Are you a ‘Quiet Leader’?

Have you ever heard the phrase “quiet leaders”? This is a leadership style whose description may seem much more familiar […]
Fi Quiet Leadership

… And Three Things First-Time CEOs Should Do

Now that you have been introduced to what life as a first-time CEO has in store, here are three recommendations […]
Fi Ceo Three 720x368

Eight Things Every First-Time CEO Should Hear…

If you are reading this, chances are you have encountered articles telling you that a good chief executive officer (CEO) […]
Fi Ceo Eight 720x368

How to Support Employee Wellbeing as a Small Business

With the cost of living continuing to rise, supporting the wellbeing of staff has been at the forefront of employers’ […]
Fi Cost Of Living

Is this the ‘Great Rebirth’ of the workplace?

It started with the Great Resignation, shifted into the Great Reshuffle and now it is shaping up to be the […]
Fi Great Rebirth Carpe Diem

Discussion: Making caring visible, valued, and supported

In June Carers Week 2022 published a report highlighting the challenges facing working carers in the UK. To discuss the implications for […]
Fi Working Carers

The Metaverse: A Whole New Working World?

Hybrid and remote working have become a post-pandemic norm, and have paved the way for an entirely new working environment […]
Fi Metaverse

Why hiring for culture fit may not be the best way forward

“You will fit in perfectly here” is a phrase that many of us will be familiar with hearing after receiving […]
Fi Culture Fit

Age Diversity: A missed opportunity?

In both the US and the UK employers are waking up to the fact that the workforce is ageing. And […]
Fi Age Diversity

You’re FIRED! The ambiguity of the Employment-At-Will doctrine

On a number of occasions in the past I’ve been asked to fire employees for reasons such as “they are […]
Fi You're Fired

Why Systemic Team Coaching is essential to ESG Strategy

For most of history, publicly traded companies have defined their purpose rather narrowly: they existed first and foremost to serve […]
Fi Systemic Team Coaching
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